January 10

Post-feast of Theophany; Holy Martyrs of Pratulyn; Our Holy Father Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa (after 394); the Venerable Dometian, Bishop of Miletene (582-602); Our Venerable Father Marcian, Presbyter and Econome of the Great Church (450-57)

James 3:11-4:6; Mark 11:23-26

Christ is born! Glorify Him!

As we continue to celebrate the Nativity and Theophany season we encounter an important truth, which we easily affirm, but far too often do not believe with our whole heart: ‘For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.’ (John 3:16) God’s love for us is so great that He is willing to condescend to the stable and manger in order to embrace our human nature which had fallen in to a beastly state. Often times we are willing to acknowledge the greatness of this love on an communal level, but we neglect to acknowledge that the intensity of this love is just as great on an individual level. God’s love is so profound that he became incarnate for me and you to bring us the light of truth in the midst of a darkened and confused world. Do I really believe that our Lord sent His Son to seek me out? Do I really believe that our Lord cares so deeply for me that His providential care envelops me on a daily basis? This is the message of this season. Knowing this great love brings joy and peace.

Knowing and believing this Good News with my whole heart is the foundation for faith. It also allows me to place my trust in God’s providential care. That He will take care of my physical needs and more importantly my spiritual needs, so Christ is formed in me (Gal 4:19). When we stand in prayer—notice that the Lord says stand—with this kind of conviction in our hearts our prayer can then move mountains—the obstacles that prevent us from becoming more Christ like and truly human.