Our Venerable Fathers Isaac (406-25), Dalmatus and Faustus
Dormition fast.
Romans 13:1-10; Matthew 12:30-37
How many times have you spoken to someone and immediately after speaking those words you regret having spoken them? I believe that happens to all us. The regret comes because you realize that in the act of speaking you reveal your heart, the very centre of who you are, your treasure chest. When one speaks and needlessly reveals our experience of someone else’s sinful behaviour—that’s calumny—one’s character and what one’s treasure is exposed. It’s generally something that each of us does not like to do, nor should we. “For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” Here’s the thing—we can’t help but speak spontaneously. What should we do?
We ought to seek to keep our hearts pure. Seek first the Kingdom of God. Seek secondly the good of others. Keep your eyes off your self and keep them fixed to the Lord and others. “Give way to one another out of reverence for Christ” (Ephesians 5:20).