August 23, 2019

Leave-taking of the Feast of the Holy Dormition; Holy Martyr Luppus; Holy Priest-Martyr Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons (193-211)

Abstinence from meat and foods that contain meat

2 Corinthians 4:13-18; Matthew 24:27-33, 42-51

After discussing the problem of idolatry, false Christs, and false prophets, Jesus tells us how the Son of Man will come, like lightning from the East shining from the West. This warning is good and is embedded in our Worship as Eastern Christians. We worship facing east, our altars are typically positioned in the East, the priests face east, along with the people. The reason for this is that we acknowledge Christ as “the dawn from on high” as the Troparion of Christmas tells us. As a result, we physically orient our churches and posture of prayer, awaiting Christ who is to come. Our services are tailored to interact with the sunrise and sunset. “Glory to you who show us the light” exclaimed by the priest at the end of matins times well with the sunrise when celebrated at the proper time. Likewise, “O Joyful Light” is sung at vespers, reminding us of sunset, but replacing the natural light with the vigil lamps lit during vespers.

We emphasize these physical gestures in worship to orient us away from false gods and false thinking about Gods. Our liturgical life gives us the training ground to reorient us away from this world and keep us looking toward the next. With our posture fixed in Church this way, let us gather like eagles around the body of the Lord who binds the Church together in the supper of his Body and Blood.