January 7, 2020

Post-feast of Theophany; the Synaxis of the Holy and Glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John

Acts 19:1-8; John 1:29-34

Christ is born! Glorify Him!

If there is one word to describe the preaching of the Prophet, Forerunner, and Baptist John, it is: fearless. John the Baptist speaks of Christ fearlessly and with great conviction in the salvation assured to us who are the disciples of Christ.

John the Baptist may be fearless when he preaches about Christ but he is still full of fear and trembling when it comes to baptizing Christ and his communion with the Godhead. This is not a fear of being scared but a fear and trembling of great awe and reverence.

We commune with God on a daily basis in our prayer and regularly receive into ourselves through communion the Body of Blood of Christ. May we approach each encounter with Christ with great fear, trembling, and awe while always preaching Christ fearlessly.

Holy Prophet, Forerunner, and Baptist John pray to God for us.