January 8, 2020

Post-feast of Theophany; Our Venerable Father George the Chosebite (610-41); Our Venerable Mother Dominica (474-91); and Emilian the Confessor

James 1:1-18; Mark 10:11-16

Christ is born! Glorify Him!

The state of marriage at the coming of Christ was far from God’s original intent. The Lord gives Godly correction, which was much needed. His statement, “whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her” is radical in two ways. First, it affirms the indissolubility of marriage—a teaching that is challenging and countercultural even today. Second, it states that the sin of adultery can be committed against a wife. At this time Jewish leaders taught that adultery was an offence against men, for wives were viewed as property. The last statement on adultery affirms that it is not only men but women also who are responsible for the permanence of the marriage bond. Jesus brings us back to the original plan in Genesis, to a time before sin soiled human relationships when both man and woman mutually belonged to each other as husband and wife in marriage and were equally responsible for the nurturing, upbuilding and sanctifying of their relationship. The disciples recognized that this is a high calling, which requires self-sacrifice, humility and service—the ingredients of true Godly love. The kind of love that keeps relationships and families strong and that transforms us on the path toward the Kingdom.