January 14, 2020

Leave-taking of the Feast of the Holy Theophany; Our Venerable Fathers Massacred in Sinai and Rhaithu (c. 370); the Repose of the Holy Equal-to-the Apostles Nina, Enlightener of Georgia

James 3:1-10; Mark 11:11-23

Christ is born! Glorify Him!

Today’s Gospel reading presents us with the lesson of the fig tree; a lesson from Jesus that reveals to us how as baptized Christians, our Christian life is to bear fruit. Fruits of repentance (see Luke 3:8); fruits of a faithful and patient Christian life (see Matthew 7:21).

Our Christian Initiation creates between us and God a promise, a covenant relationship that finds its fulfilment in the Christian life we live. If we fail to live this Christian life, we are like the tree that shows forth a promise (the presence of leaves) but has no fulfilment (the lack of fruit).

At every Divine Liturgy, we reaffirm this promise and covenant relationship in praying the Creed where we profess what we believe which, in turn, should affirm our practice. Our practice is the fruit. If we profess without practice, we are like the fig tree: full of leaves but lacking fruit.

Brothers and sisters, how are we living our Christian lives? Do they bear fruit or is it all just for appearance sake?