February 11, 2020

The Holy Priest-Martyr Blaise, Bishop of Sebastia (313-24)

1 John 3:10-20; Mark 14:10-42

How often do you pray the Lord’s prayer? At the very least, weekly at the Divine Liturgy, but most likely you pray it close to once a day. When we pray it, do we focus on the words were are praying? What does it mean when we say “Thy will be done?”

Our Lord, who gave us this prayer in His Sermon on the Mount, repeats these words in this prayer before His betrayal. It is a prayer of great struggle as He asks the Father to let this cup pass from Him but ultimately, aligns His will with the will of our Heavenly Father.

When we pray “Thy will be done,” we ask and implore the Lord to make His will known to us in this world and to help us align our will with His divine will.

In order for the Lord’s will to be fulfilled in us and our lives, we need discernment and a desire to align our will to the Lord’s. We may not understand the Lord’s will at the moment and may struggle in our prayer as Christ did, but it is in fulfilling the Lord’s will that we find the true purpose for our lives and grow closer to our Creator.