The Holy Priest-Martyr Eutyches
2 Corinthians 8:7-15; Mark 3:6-12
Read 2 Corinthians 8:7-15
The Church in Jerusalem is the Mother Church for all Christianity. However, it was a poorer Church than those in the Gentile areas like Corinth. Paul had started to organize a collection to assist the Church in Jerusalem and instructed Titus to bring it to completion. Paul’s words to the Christians in Corinth are not an order that should be followed. Rather, he suggests to them five different arguments to assist them in their decision to give to this collection out of what they have.
- Others who are poor have been generous in their gift. This was the case for the Macedonian Church.
- The sacrifice of Jesus began before His passion and death by crucifixion. It began with the Incarnation, His birth of the Virgin.
- Corinthian Christians have been very generous in the past. Can they get behind in this good work?
- The Corinthian Christians had in the past expressed a desire to help the Church in Jerusalem. It is time to put desire into action.
- Paul anecdotally notes that while now there is an abundance in Corinth, there may come a time when there is a dearth and the church in Jerusalem can help.
When we give to the weekly collection at our own parishes, do we consider these arguments that Saint Paul sets forth?