August 7, 2020

Post-feast of the Transfiguration; Holy Venerable-Martyr Dometius (360- 63)
2 Corinthians 1:12-20; Matthew 22:23-33
Dormition Fast. Abstinence from meat and foods that contain meat.

Read 2 Corinthians 1:12-20

The Amen’s that we throw out at the end of our prayers, comes from the Hebrew “so be it.” It concedes as good, true, and desirable whatever came before. Our “amen” at the end of the Our Father concedes that God is our Father, that we want his kingdom, that we desire his daily sustenance, and seek his continual forgiveness and preservation from evil. When Paul says in Jesus Christ all the promises of God find their “yes” in him, it means that Jesus is the proof that God is not a liar and that all of his predictive promises are not simply for not. Indeed, it is proof that what the Law foretold and the prophets proclaimed is embodied by Jesus Christ in the flesh. As he tells us, he is the truth, for this reason, his “amen’s” come first at the beginning of his speeches, rather than at the end: “Amen, Amen, I tell you…” As fickle human beings, we need to assent to the truth; our minds and hearts must come into conformity with the truth. Our “Amen,” comes after. Jesus has no need to “assent” for he is the truth in essence. His perfect will makes it easy to say yes, hence our own “amen” is said through him and with his help. John Chrysostom gets it right when he says: “Amen. He signifies that which shall certainly be. For in Him, not in man, the promises have their being and fulfilment. Fear not, therefore; for it is not man so that you should mistrust; but it is God Who both said and fulfils. Unto the glory of God through us. What is, unto [His] glory through us? He fulfils them by us, that is, and by His benefits towards us unto His glory; for this is for the glory of God. But if they be for the glory of God, they will certainly come to pass. For His own glory He will not think little of, even did He think little of our salvation. But as it is, He thinks not little of our salvation either, both because He loves mankind exceedingly, and because our salvation is bound up with His glory from these things accruing.” Let’s say “amen” to God fulfilling his work and his promises in our lives.