March 28, 2021

Palm Sunday: The Lord’s Entrance into Jerusalem
Philippians 4:4-9; John 12:1-18

Read Philippians 4:4-9

We live in a restless time. Constant worries and uncertainties assail us. We are worried about our health, our economy and those we love. However remarkable our times might appear to us, these three opening sentences can describe the vast majority of human experience in our world. Peace is at a premium, it has always been very difficult to find or achieve.

Into the turmoil of the first century, St. Paul counsels the Christians in Philippi to leave anxiety behind by keeping their minds on Christ. If they can maintain this inner gaze and the hope and faith it entails, they will experience a peace that the world will never understand. This is not simply “wishful thinking” or “looking on the bright-side of life” but an understanding that the “Lord is at hand.” There is order to the universe, there is method, direction, purpose and mission in the Christian life. As difficult as our suffering is, it is not needless or pointless.

As we enter into this Holiest time of the year, the Great and Holy Week, let us continue with a spirit of gratitude that we have a God who loves us enough not to leave us slaves but gives us a mission. Let us keep our minds on Christ that we too may experience His peace beyond understanding.