December 27, 2021

The Holy Apostle, First Martyr and Archdeacon Stephen; Our Venerable Father and Confessor Theodore the “Branded One” (844); Post-feast of the Nativity of Christ
Acts 6:8-7:5,47-60; Matthew 21:33-42

Read Matthew 21:33-42

Christ is born! Glorify Him!

Each of us can ask himself/herself: am I giving God the produce at the proper times (Mt 21:41)?

In other words, am I working with God in such a way so as to continually maintain an active relationship with Him?

After all, each of us has received the wonderful gift of life from God, so therefore are we fulfilling the calling of this gift of life or are we allowing interruptions in our relationship with God?

Giving good produce at the proper times, or otherwise known as being that rich soil that produces a lot of good fruit (Mt 13:9), can be understood as being always willing to say “here I am Lord”, regardless of the situation.

It is being at all times open to the Lord’s call to service and respond willingly, courageously and generously to that call.

Having found ourselves at the end of the year 2021, how can we make ourselves more and more available to God in the upcoming year and throughout the rest of our lives?

Maybe some of us need to overcome fear, while some may need to overcome pride; while others laziness and carelessness. Whatever it may be, the Lord is ready to help us beyond our expectations.

Are you willing to be helped like never before?