January 5, 2022

Theophany Eve; The Holy Martyrs Theopemptus and Theonas (284-305); the Venerable Syncletic
The Divine Liturgy is not celebrated today (aliturgical). The Royal Hours are prayed this day (ideally in the morning). It is a day of fast and abstention from meat and foods that contain these meat.

Christ is born! Glorify Him!

Make ready, O River Jordan! For, lo! Christ God comes to be baptized by John, that in your waters He might crush the heads of the invisible serpents by His divinity! Rejoice, O desert of Jordan! You mountains, leap up with gladness; for our eternal Life comes to restore Adam! O forerunner John, you are the voice of one crying in the wilderness: “Prepare the ways of the Lord and make straight His paths!”

Let the desert of Jordan rejoice, and let it blossom like a lily; for therein has been heard the voice of one crying in the wilderness: “Prepare the way of the Lord!” For He Who set forth the mountains with a measure and the forested places with His scales, Who as God fills all things, is baptized by a servant, granting rich gifts at the beginning of His impoverishment. Eve once heard: “In pain you shall give birth to children;” but now the Virgin has heard: “Rejoice, O you who are full of grace! The Lord is with you, Who has great mercy!”

After Elijah had gone up to heaven, Elisha threw his mantle in the Jordan River which parted, opening a way, a dry path between two walls of water, where he could pass, a true symbol of our baptism by which we pass through this fleeting life. Christ has been seen at the Jordan River to sanctify the waters.