May 14, 2022

The Holy Martyr Isidore (249-51)
Acts 12:1-11; John 8:31-42

Read Acts 12:1-11

Christ is risen! Truly, He is risen!

An age-old truth is revealed to us once again in our epistle lesson today brothers and sisters: when spiritual progress is made in seeking the Lord, expect a response from the forces of darkness. The gospel is spreading, new converts are being added to the Church day-by-day, and in response, Herod, seeking to secure and deepen his temporal worldly power, kills St. James and jails St. Peter. 

But take a look at the incredible escape by Peter. He is doubly chained, guarded by four squads of soldiers, two of whom sleep next to him to ensure that he cannot escape at night, and the Lord miraculously rescues him! 

Despite the very real suffering caused by the evil one and his servants when someone dedicates their life to Christ and follows in His footprints, the Lord can and will bring ultimate goodness for all those who love Him. The gospel will not be caged or silenced by the opposition it meets in this world. What remains for us is to decide that the risk of selling all for the pearl of great price is worth it!