July 30, 2022

The Holy Apostles Silas and Silvanus and those with them
Romans 13:1-10; Matthew 12:30-37

Read Romans 13:1-10

Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory forever!

Today St. Paul teaches us the importance of civil (public) life in our reading from Romans. Good governance is a good thing, and our cooperation with legitimate authority can contribute to the common good. Of course, tyrannies exist and existed in St. Paul’s time as well. His letter is not written excuse immoral governance but to encourage us to respect legitimate civil authority. There are times this can be very difficult due to our own fear or arrogance. What is required in these situations is humility. As the Apostle goes on to say, love will provide for all the particulars of the law. If you are unsure, ask yourself- how am I being loving in this situation?

Still at other times we may come to a legitimate conflict with what our civil authorities are asking us to do, and what our faith teaches. In these situations, we must follow our conscience, regardless of the personal cost. Christians are to remain subject to legitimate worldly authority, however, when asked to act in sinful or immoral ways we must hold to the higher law of God.