Fourth Saturday of the Great Fast: All Souls Saturday; Our Holy Father Cyril, Archbishop of Jerusalem (386)
Great Fast Day 27
Hebrews 6:9-12; 1 Corinthians 15:47-57; Mark 7:31-37; John 5:24-30.
Read Hebrews 6:9-12
Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory forever!
Brothers and sisters, after leveling some severe warnings to the Hebrews regarding Christians who apostatize, St. Paul quickly reassures them readers that they themselves are not cursed, but that he is encouraging them to persevere to the end in service. This service to the fellow saints (other Christians) is well pleasing to God in that when we serve others out of love for God, we serve Him.
Although they have served and are continuing to serve, St. Paul encourages them not to become sluggish in this service, but to remain patient and dedicated in imitation of those who have pleased the Lord. In this way they will inherit the same promises!
St. John Chrysostom writes:
“Give to him who begs from you, and do not refuse him who would borrow from you.” Stretch out your hand; let it not be closed up. We have not been constituted examiners into others’ lives, for then we should have compassion on no one. When you call upon God, why do you say, “Remember not my sins”? So, even if that person is a great sinner, make this allowance in his case also, and do not remember his sins. It is the season of kindness, not of strict inquiry; of mercy, not of account. He wishes to be maintained; if you are willing, give; but if not willing, send him away without raising doubts. Why are you wretched and miserable? Why do you not pity him yourself, but even turn away those who would as well? For when such a one hears from you, “This person is a cheat; that a hypocrite; and the other lends out money,” he neither gives to the one nor to the other, for he suspects all to be such. For you know that we easily suspect evil, but good, not so easily. (On the Epistle to the Hebrews 11.9)