Monday of the Holy Spirit.
A day when the faithful are highly encouraged to participate in the Divine Liturgy.
Ephesians 5:9-19. Matthew 18:10-20.
Read Ephesians 5:9-19
Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory for ever!
We have seen the resurrection of Christ and we have beheld his glorious Ascension. We have seen the true Light, we have received the heavenly Spirit.
Now it is time to walk as children of Light.
As the Apostle Paul notes, an important part of walking in the Light is to expose darkness, because when light shines on darkness, the darkness dissipates.
I remember reading about a story where light was shone on darkness somewhat unintentionally and this resulted in a magnificent healing.
A man had been unfaithful to his wife for some time. While she suspected it and questioned him about it on multiple occasions, he always denied it. Over time he grew colder and colder towards his wife and grew more and more indifferent and even resentful towards God and the Church.
This was until, one day, he had enough of his wife’s questioning and angrily admitted to his adultery.
In that moment, he grew even colder and more resentful towards his wife and God.
But as the next few weeks and months passed, his heart began to soften. He became remorseful. Eventually he asked for his wife forgiveness, took concrete steps to improve his character, and even went to confession.
This was the beginning of an amazing rejuvenation and healing of their marriage. They would eventually become very active and faithful members of their parish and were a model of married life in many ways.
This all started with shedding light on the darkness—he admitted his adultery to his wife.
Certainly not all cases of adultery end like this, but it is an example of what can happen in each of our lives when we shed light on darkness.
We all have sin in our hearts. We all have darkness in our lives.
Confess that sin. Work through that darkness. Expose it with honesty and courage.
The Holy Spirit will shine on you and heal you.
And you will live as a child of Light.