September 23, 2024

Conception of the Honourable and Glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John.
Galatians 4:22-31. Luke 1:5-25.

Read Galatians 4:22-31

What does it mean to be free?

To be free in the truest sense doesn’t mean to be able to do whatever you want whenever you want. That kind of license without reference to duty and to what is good results in lawlessness.

To be free in the truest sense doesn’t mean to be without a master of some sort. Those who throw off God as their master end up becoming slaves to their passions—their passions just become their new master. The best example of this is the Devil himself. 

To be free in the truest sense means to be able to do what is true, what is right, what is good. 

Ponder that for a moment—to be free means to be able to do what is good. 

What constraints need to be lifted in order to have this kind of freedom? 

At first thought, at least to me, it seemed that the first and most obvious constraint that needs to be lifted is a physical one. If I am being constrained or am ill or injured, I can’t really do stuff—good or otherwise. 

But at second thought, this is not the case at all. Regardless of my ability to do stuff physically, I can always turn to prayer and to love of God and neighbour. If I am sick and in the hospital, I can choose to pray and be kind to the staff attending to me. If I am imprisoned, I can pray for those whom I wronged and repent. Even if I am persecuted, I can pray for my persecutors. 

Regardless of my physical condition or ability to move around or do ‘stuff’, I can always choose love of God and neighbour.

So what constraints need to be lifted in order to have true freedom? A heart that is bitter, resentful, envious, lustful, etc. A mind that justifies sinful actions.  A soul that is darkened and far from the Lord. These are the constraints that need to be lifted.

Strive for purity of heart, soberness of mind, gentleness of Spirit. Seek first the Kingdom of God every day in all that you do and are, and you will be free.