October 8, 2024

Our Venerable Mother Pelagia.
Colossians 1:1,2,7-11. Luke 8:1-3.

Read Colossians 1:1,2,7-11

Paul offers a clear message: we are all called to live lives that reflect God’s will, and this begins with discernment—figuring out what God is asking of us in our everyday lives. But discernment isn’t just about personal growth; it’s about participating in the mission of the Church. Each of us, through baptism, is invited to join in God’s work, helping to build His Kingdom here on earth. This calling is for everyone, not just a select few.

In verse 9, Paul prays that we may be filled with knowledge of God’s will. Discernment, in a practical sense, is the process of asking, “What is God asking me to do?” It’s not always a grand or complicated thing. It could be a nudge to check in on a neighbour, volunteer at church, or find ways to strengthen our family’s faith. This is where our journey of participating in the Church’s mission begins—by paying attention to those small stirrings from God in our hearts.

But discernment is just the start. Paul goes on in verse 10 to say that we should live lives worthy of the Lord, bearing fruit in every good work. This means putting what we’ve discerned into action. God calls us not just to hear His will, but to live it. We each have a role in the Church’s mission, whether we’re teaching our kids to pray, helping at a parish event, or simply being kind in our everyday interactions. We are all missionaries in our own right, living out God’s will in practical, everyday ways.

Paul doesn’t leave us without hope for how to live this out, though. 

In verse 11, he reminds us that we don’t do any of this alone. God gives us strength—His divine energy—through the Holy Spirit, especially in the Eucharist. When we participate in the sacraments, we receive the grace we need to keep doing God’s will, even when it’s hard. God equips us for the mission He’s given us.

This life of discernment, action, and reliance on God’s strength is open to everyone. We are all called to join in the Church’s mission. Whether we realize it or not, each of us has a role to play, and through God’s guidance and strength, we can bear fruit for His Kingdom in ways big and small, every day.