Our Venerable Father and Confessor Basil, ascetical companion of Procopius.
According to liturgical prescriptions, the Divine Liturgy is not celebrated today. Abstention from meat and foods that contain meat.
Zechariah 8:7-14; Zechariah 8:19-23.
Read Zechariah 8:7-14
Three years ago, on the first day of the Russian invasion into Ukraine, Metropolitan Borys of Philadelphia opened the doors of the iconostasis before the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, and after formal greetings to all who were present, began with these words: З нами Бог! (Z namy Boh! God is with us!). I believe that these are perhaps the best words to be spoken at such a time. For no matter what event or situation in which we find ourselves, we must always remember that God is with us!
As we read today’s selection, we remember that Israel had returned from exile as a remnant. The Lord expressed through His prophets Haggai and Zechariah that He desired for the Temple to be rebuilt. The Lord desires to restore Israel fully. Rather than Israel being a curse, the Lord will make Israel become a blessing to all nations. Even though Israel had suffered much while in exile, the Lord had never abandoned her; As we read throughout the prophetic works, it was Israel who at times abandoned the Lord. The Lord, in His great mercy, consistently called them back, even in such a mess.
Whether we find ourselves three years in a war zone of an unprovoked invasion, or exiled to a foreign land, or in the spiritual war zone of our hearts, the Lord is there. He does not abandon us. As long as we remember the Lord in our present setting, be of good courage for God is with us. He will comfort us, strengthen our hands and bring us through, and make of us a blessing unto others.