March 19, 2025

The Holy Martyrs Chrysanthus and Daria.
Day 17 of the Great Fast. Abstention from meat and foods that contain these ingredients.
Sixth Hour – Isaiah 10:12-20; Presanctified – Genesis 7:6-9; Proverbs 9:12-18.

Read Proverbs 9:12-18

Solomon warns: “A foolish woman is noisy; she is wanton and knows no shame.” Here he symbolizes sin through the alluring image of a seductive woman, whose outward beauty distracts the mind and clouds judgment. Just as physical beauty can captivate and lead astray, worldly temptations often cover their destructive nature behind enticing appearances. Once mesmerized by superficial charm, we easily abandon discernment and fall into spiritual ruin.

This danger is highlighted clearly by St. Augustine, who notes, “Sin is sweet in the mouth but bitter in digestion. The pleasure passes, the bitterness remains.” St. Augustine underscores that while sin initially pleases our senses, it ultimately wounds the soul. Also, St. John Chrysostom reminds us, “Nothing enslaves the soul more than the allure of temporary pleasure, which blinds reason and weakens the will.” Sin captivates precisely because it appeals to temporary gratification, numbing our heart and clouding eternal realities.

As Christians, we must actively guard our hearts and minds against such allurements. True wisdom requires seeing beyond temporary beauty to the lasting consequences of our choices. Spiritual vigilance and discipline are essential for cultivating discernment. In our daily lives, this involves conscious rejection of immediate temptations, prayerful self-examination, and regularly seeking God’s grace through prayer.

Solomon’s message is clear: beneath sin’s attractive surface lies emptiness and spiritual death. Only by recognizing sin’s deceptive beauty and turning instead toward eternal truth and righteousness can we safeguard our souls and attain genuine wisdom.