The Transfer of the Holy Relics of the First-martyr and Archdeacon Stephen (5th c.)
Dormition Fast
2 Corinthians 4:1-6; Matthew 24:13-28
Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory forever!
In today’s Gospel lesson our Saviour praises those who have endurance: “But he one who endures to the end will be saved.” Most often we think of endurance as an important quality for athletes, but not something that is needed for the spiritual life. On the contrary, in matters of faith endurance is critical as our salvation depends on it. The road of life, as we know, is not simple. It is filled with tests, trials, challenges and even predators who desire to mislead us from our Lord. The most vivid example from the Old Testament of the importance of endurance is Job. He was so confident in the Lord, and his innocence, that he would not allow misfortunes around him and pressure of friends and family to commit apostasy. For this the Lord rewarded him greatly. Endurance in the faith is something that proves our commitment, stimulates growth in virtue and strengthens our relationship with God. Ultimately salvation is a matter of relationship and any friendship or marriage cannot mature and grow without persistent enduring commitment. And we know that God’s endurance is unwavering for He stands by us always. The question is do we stand by Him?
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