April 29, 2024

Nine Holy Martyrs of Cyzicus (313-24). Venerable Memnon the Wonderworker.
Acts 12:12-17. John 8:42-51.

Read Acts 12:12-17

Christ is risen! Truly, He is risen!

How has the Lord worked wonders in your life?

Honestly, take a moment to think about this. How has the Lord made himself known to you? Or how has the Lord arranged for events to happen in just the right way? Or how has He worked an outright miracle in your life?

Now consider how the people you know may react should you tell them about how the Lord has worked in your life—family, friends, coworkers, etc…. Chances are a few of them might react like Rhoda and acknowledge the wonder the Lord has worked. However, most of them are more likely to react like Mary, the mother of John, and the others there—they dismissed the wonder, at least initially. This can be disheartening for us when we have experienced something so wonderful and those around us dismiss or deny it.

Nevertheless, continue on like Peter. He recounted how the Lord freed him from prison. We also are called to recount how the Lord has worked in our lives. Being able to tell others how God has worked in our lives is a crucial part of evangelization.

If there is one lesson to be had from Acts of the Apostles, one common thread, it is that the Apostles went all over to proclaim the mighty acts of God, first among them being the Resurrection of the Saviour. These mighty acts also include the ways the Lord has worked for us individually. Peter does that in the reading today. And we are to do the same in our own lives and circumstances.

So, once again, how has the Lord worked wonders in your life?