April 27, 2024

Holy Priest-Martyr Simeon, Relative of the Lord. Our Venerable Father Stephen, Bishop of Volodymyr in Volhynia (1094).
Acts 12:1-11. John 8:31-42.

Read Acts 12:1-11

Christ is risen! Truly, He is risen!

An incredible miracle is witnessed in our reading from the book of Acts today. Although St. Peter is guarded by four squads (this means four groups of four soldiers standing in rotating guard throughout the night) he is released from his unjust imprisonment. This release was not won through military might or violence but instead through intercessory prayer. The ultimate strategy and tactic in spiritual warfare is praying to the Lord for our various needs and in the midst of our sufferings and trials.

Our Catechism, Christ our Pascha reminds us:
Special occasional prayers or services (grouped under the category called treby in Ukrainian) are an entreaty to God, to the Virgin Mother of God, or to the saints for care, protection, or intercession. They can be for either the ecclesial community or individuals. In these prayers the Church, like a compassionate Mother caring for her children, whether living or deceased, prays for their salvation. Through these prayers of the Church our vocation to sanctify every aspect of our life—that is, to fill it with the memory of God’s presence in all—is realized. (500)

In the midst of our trials let us find strength in imploring the Lord through our communal intercessory prayers!