February 17, 2025

The Holy Great-Martyr Theodore the Recruit.
1 John 2:18-3:10; Mark 11:1-11.

Read 1 John 2:18-3:10

In some corners of the Church, there is a great amount of attention paid to trying to determine when the world will end and who the antichrist is. Some people spend an incredible amount of time and energy trying to figure out which world events and which particular people are signalling the end times and then publicize their findings. Some have even ‘determined’ the last day (and are always wrong). 

When it comes to these kinds of questions, the Apostle John is very clear. We are in the last times and he who denies Father and the Son is the antichrist. The exact details aren’t particularly important.

Christ ushered in the last age, and whether this last age lasts another five minutes or another five thousand years is irrelevant. What’s important is to abide in Christ and to avoid sin and deception. 

How do I abide in Christ? First and foremost, pray, read the scriptures, attend Church services, frequent the sacraments, commit to acts of charity. Avoid the near occasion of sin wherever possible. When temptation arises, flee that place turn to prayer.  

Also, know your faith so that you are not deceived by false teaching. Study the teaching of the Church, the Fathers, the great teachers and masters of the faith. In doing so, you will inflame your heart and mind with a love of truth.

Now, even for a person whose life is committed to prayer and study of the faith, fear can arise. What if I’m deceived. What if I fall to sin? What if this? What if that? In this case, remember the anointing that you received from the Lord at your baptism. Remember that this anointing remains with you and fear no more!

No matter what, stay close to Christ, stay close to prayer, and be not afraid.