The Holy Priest-Martyr Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna (155-56)
Great Fast Day 12. Abstention from meat and foods that contain meat. According to liturgical prescriptions, the Divine Liturgy is not celebrated today.
Genesis 5:1-24
Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory forever!
It is impossible to fathom the wickedness of mankind described in the Book of Genesis. This wickedness, so great that every intention and thought was continual evil, is unbelievable. This wickedness was so great that God regrets creating man. And yet, God is able to find among the wickedness one who has found favour in His sight: Noah.
We are all sinners. We are wicked and God grieves at our wickedness. He grieves over our sins, our failings, and our turning away from Him. But He also knows that we are good; that we are capable of being holy and doing good deeds. He knows that because He created us. In the midst of our wickedness, He sees the good, the favourable, the God-like.
We must be aware of our sinfulness, of our wickedness and conquer it with the good that we are capable of. We must turn our faces away from sin and wickedness and being then towards the light. May we always desire to be found favourable in the sight of God and act accordingly.