January 21, 2025

Our Venerable Father Maximus the Confessor; The Holy Martyr Neophytus; The Holy Martyrs Eugene, Candidus, Valerian, and Aquilas
Hebrews 12:25-26; 13:22-25; Mark 10:2-12.

Read Hebrews 12:25-26; 13:22-25

“See that you do not refuse Him who is speaking” (Hebrews 12:25). These words invite us to pay attention to God’s voice, a voice that speaks through Scripture, the Church, and the depths of our hearts. But listening to God isn’t passive—it requires an active response, often one that challenges us to stand firm in our faith, even when the world seems to pull us in other directions.

Today, we celebrate the life of St. Maximus the Confessor, a saint who embodies what it means to listen to God and remain faithful, no matter the cost. Born into privilege and holding a prestigious position in the emperor’s court, Maximus left it all behind to pursue God in the quiet of monastic life. Later, when the heresy of Monotheletism threatened the truth of Christ’s humanity, he stood firm in defense of the faith. His refusal to compromise led to exile, torture, and suffering, yet his steadfastness never wavered.

St. Maximus’s story is one of courage and conviction. I encourage you to take time to learn more about his life and how his faithfulness inspires the Church even today. He reminds us that listening to God’s voice means responding in trust, even when it’s difficult or when it seems we stand alone.

How do we listen to God? It begins in prayer, making space for silence and opening our hearts to His guidance. It continues in our actions, standing for what is true and good, even when it’s unpopular or comes at a cost. It means living with the confidence that God’s Kingdom, as Hebrews reminds us, is unshakable and eternal.

As we reflect on these truths today, let us ask St. Maximus to intercede for us, that we might have the courage to listen for God’s voice and the strength to follow wherever He calls.