July 26, 2021

The Holy Priest-Martyr Hermolaus and those with him (286-305); Holy Venerable-Martyr Parasceve
1 Corinthians 15:12-19; Matthew 21:18-22

Read Matthew 21:18-22

Can you imagine the power of a faith-filled prayer?

We agree that it is not easy to pray to God. One of the main challenges nowadays is finding the time for prayer in between everything else that we have going on around us, instead of taking care of things in between prayers.

Another challenge and temptation is trying to stay focused on the words which we address God and God’s saints; because before we realize it, our mind is out there somewhere, thinking and planning while we are saying to God: “Thy will be done”.

By contrast, having found the precious time, courage, and focus on a sincere and truthful prayer, the one challenge that remains, is, to believe in what we are praying. For as Jesus says: “if you have faith and do not waver…whatever you ask for in prayer with faith, you will receive” (Mt 21:21-22).

There should be no room for indecisiveness when it comes to prayer, but only steadfast faith, for everything is possible for those who believe. And God knows much better than us what we really need most. “Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”