The Holy Priest-Martyr Basil, Presbyter of Ancyra (363); Passing into eternal life (1924) of Fr. Isidore Dolnytsky, hymnographer, professor and spiritual father of Lviv and the Greek College in Rome
Great Fast Day 39. According to liturgical prescriptions, the Divine Liturgy is not celebrated today.
Sixth Hour – Isaiah 65:8-16
Vespers – Genesis 46:1-7; Proverbs 23:15-24:5
Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory forever!
The Lord is so good!
By this time of the Great Fast, enlightened by the Holy Spirit as we attempt through ascetical acts to change our lives, we have become more aware of our sin (personal and communal). We may have become aware of the “distance” between me and the Lord, like in the parable of our Lord where the rich man finds himself across a divide from Abraham and Lazarus (see Luke 16:19-31). Sometimes, when we experience this awareness, we may become saddened, and for some, even lose hope. We may even say in our hearts, “My own sins have caused this separation.” While this is true, we mustn’t lose hope!
Even when separated, the Lord calls out to us! As He did in the Garden for Adam and Eve, so He does for us, calling out, “Where are you?” The Lord seeks to heal and reconcile not just the me who is broken, but also all relationships; and, He will do so, if we want them to be healed.
In the reading from Genesis today, we see Israel (Jacob) distraught that his family is broken, that one of his sons, Joseph, whom he thought he had lost forever, was in Egypt. The Lord called, and Israel answered. The Lord exercised what some call His permissive will. He did not force Israel to go to Egypt, but offered it as a choice to him, and promised him that he and his family would be blessed, and that he would see his son, Joseph.
The Lord calls to us offering salvation. We can respond daily in that one Baptism into His Death and Resurrection we have received. Let us not remain mired in needless anxiety and sadness, in our sin. The Lord has great blessings for us. Willingly, let us heed His voice and follow the path He lays out for us.