May 13, 2021

The Ascension of our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ; Feast of our Lord.
Acts 1:1-12; Luke 24:36-53
Holy Day of Obligation.

Read Luke 24:36-53

As we let go of the beautiful and joy filled feast of Pascha—Easter— our liturgical momentum continues to build. This day we commemorate with great joy, as did the apostles, the Ascension of our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ. This event increases joy in the hearts of the disciples and not sadness—for our Lord has not left us. He has not left us orphaned, but has promised that, ‘I am with you always, to the close of the age.’ (Matt 28:20). This promise is upheld by his divine power, which means that it is not a maybe or sometimes, but a definite yes and always! Through the Ascension Jesus continues to open to us a greater pathway to the Kingdom and becomes even more intimately present to each of us.

We journeyed with the Lord to the foot of the cross. We rejoiced in the light of the resurrection. The resurrection is an amazing event that not only shows forth Jesus’ divinity but also grants eternal life to all those who believe in him and are united with him through Holy Baptism. St. Paul reminds Timothy that “If we have died with him, we shall also live with him; if we endure, we shall also reign with him; if we deny him, he also will deny us; if we are faithless, he remains faithful—for he cannot deny himself.” (2 Tim 2:12-13). If we endure this life faithfully to the end, then we shall reign with him. Today’s feast makes this possible for “he was carried up into heaven so that he might share the Father’s throne even with the flesh that was united to him.” (St. Cyril of Alexandria CGSL 620). Jesus takes up our human nature onto the throne of God. This is an amazing and awesome event that opens up the infinite to human nature. We rejoiced at how deep God was willing to go out of love for us—to the depth of Hades. Today we rejoice at the height of where Jesus takes us—to the throne of God the Father who holds all things and is the eternally present One.