The First and Second Finding of the Precious Head of the Holy, Glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptizer John.
Polyeleos Feast.
2 Corinthians 4:6-15; Matthew 11:2-15.
Read 2 Corinthians 4:6-15
Have you ever felt that you are weak, incapable, or fragile? Have you ever felt that you were about to break down due to anxiety or crack under pressure? Perhaps you did break down or crack. Have you ever given into the momentary allure and delight of sin despite knowing full well it was against God’s will and would ultimately be destructive?
If you have experienced any of this, welcome to the human race. Welcome to the reality that we are subject to the concupiscence of the flesh and the fickleness of a distorted mind and heart—a concupiscence and distortion caused by sin.
We, with our bodies and minds subject to the effects of the fall, are the earthen vessels about which the Apostle Paul speaks here. And it is in us, with all our weakness, that the Lord desires to shine. The Lord desires to dwell within us and to make His glory known to the world through us.
That means you. You may be weak and fragile in some way. The Lord knows your weakness far better than you do. And He still wants to dwell in you and to make His glory known through you.
So, when you are experiencing a challenging time—for instance depression or anxiety or a fall into serious sin—remember this teaching that comes to us through the Apostle Paul. Remember that the Lord knows your weakness and fragility and wants to dwell in you so that you may be healed and that you may be a beacon of His mercy.
Have confidence in Christ that He will keep His word.