September 17, 2024

Post-feast of the Exaltation of the Cross. Holy Martyr Sophia, and Her Three Daughters Faith, Hope and Love.
Ephesians 5:20-26. Luke 3:23-4:1.

Read Ephesians 5:20-26

Marriage, dear brothers and sisters, is a sacred mystery, a profound reflection of Christ’s love for His Holy Church. In Ephesians 5:20-26, the Apostle Paul exhorts us to live in mutual submission and love, just as Christ gave Himself up for the Church. On this day, as we celebrate the holy martyrs, Saints Sophia and her daughters—Faith, Hope, and Love—we are reminded that these three virtues are essential not only in our spiritual life but also in the sacrament of marriage.

Faith in marriage means placing our trust in God’s providence, especially in times of trial. Just as we are called to trust in Christ, we must also have faith that God is present in our marriages, offering His grace to sustain us. Faith invites us to pray together, to place our union in the hands of the Holy Spirit, and to believe that His guidance will always be with us, no matter the challenges we face. 

Hope in marriage is the firm belief that God will continually renew and strengthen the bond between husband and wife. It is the assurance that, through Christ, every difficulty can be overcome, and that through patience and endurance, our love will be deepened. Saints Sophia’s daughter, Hope, teaches us to cling to the promises of God, trusting that He is ever at work in our lives, bringing about good even when we cannot see it.

And finally, love—the greatest of the virtues, the crown of marriage. Love in the Christian understanding is kenotic, self-emptying, and sacrificial. St. Paul calls husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the Church, with a love that pours itself out completely for the sake of the other. This love is not based on fleeting emotions but is rooted in the daily, conscious choice to serve, forgive, and bear with one another.

As we celebrate the witness of Saints Sophia, Faith, Hope, and Love, may we strive to cultivate these virtues in our marriages, so that our homes may become icons of Christ’s love for His Bride, the Church. Through faith, hope, and love, may we glorify God and bear witness to His grace in our lives.