September 18, 2024

Post-feast of the Exaltation of the Cross. Our Venerable Father Eumenes, Bishop of Gortyna.
Ephesians 5:25-33. Luke 4:1-15.

Read Ephesians 5:25-33

Today’s reading speaks to us about love, sacrifice, and the sacred nature of marriage. St. Paul addressing husbands, instructing them to love their wives just “as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself up for her.” This comparison to Christ’s sacrificial love sets a high standard, emphasizing that love in marriage is not merely romantic affection, but a decision of will and commitment to self-giving and service.

St. Paul’s depiction of Christ’s relationship with the Church as one of purification and sanctification highlights the spiritual dimension of marriage. The husband is called not only to love but to help his wife grow in holiness, just as Christ seeks the Church’s holiness. This means that mutual support, spiritual growth, and the pursuit of virtue are central to the marital relationship.

St. Paul speaks about how “husbands should love their wives as they love their own bodies”, suggesting that in marriage, two people become one flesh. This calls for a deep sense of unity, where caring for one’s spouse is as natural and essential as caring for oneself. In doing so, St. Paul emphasizes the equality and mutual respect that should define a Christian marriage, where both partners are valued and cherished.

We see that marriage is not just a legal or social contract, but a sacred covenant rooted in love, sacrifice, and holiness. We are invited to reflect on marriage as an icon of Christ’s relationship with the Church, where love is enduring, sacrificial and life-giving. It challenges both partners to grow together in faith, love, and mutual respect.