Nativity of Our Most Holy Lady, the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary
Feast of the Mother of God. Holy Day of Obligation.
Philippians 2:5-11; Luke 10:38-42; 11:27-28
Read Philippians 2:5-11
Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory forever!
To our modern culture, the word obedience may sound oppressive. For us who are faithful to Jesus Christ, the word obedience is absolutely freeing and life-giving.
On this first Great Feast of the liturgical year, the Nativity of the Mother of God, we have two beautiful examples of obedience. Saints Joachim and Anna who, despite the rejection, they faced within their society due to their childlessness, continued in unwavering obedience to the Lord and to fulfilling His will. For their obedience, they are given the great gift of a child, Mary, who became the Mother of God.
Their obedience was not easy to live out, and while it caused them much separation and pain, the Lord never abandoned them. Their obedience was doubly rewarded with the birth of their daughter, Mary, and with eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven.
May their example of unwavering obedience inspire us to live counter-cultural lives in our obedience to the Lord.