Post-feast of the Ascension; Our Holy Father Metrophanes, Patriarch of Constantinople (312-37)
Acts 21:26-32; John 16:2-13
Jesus Christ sent the Spirit-Counselor, who teaches and educates new generations of Christians. Through the Holy Spirit and throughout one’s entire life, one is able to discover ever more deeply the truths of the holy faith. These truths are passed on in the Holy Scriptures, which were written through centuries under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and are given to us so that we might know God, ourselves, and the world. Divine truths are conveyed in the texts of our liturgical services, in the writings of the Fathers of the Church, in the decisions of the Ecumenical Councils and other expressions of the teaching authority of the Church. In the Catechism of the UGCC, Christ – our Pascha, we find collected that which is most essential for a faithful member of our Church.
In order to know Divine truths, we require a bright light, and that light is the Spirit – a flaming fire (see Mt 3:11; Dan 7:9). During the Divine Liturgy, we sing: “we have seen the true light, we have received the heavenly Spirit, we have found the true faith…” However, we need to add our effort to this light: to foster in us an openness to Divine truth, to continually search for it. Divine truth requires our personal sacrifice and our readiness to share it with others, remembering that the goal of our life is always unity with the living Christ, the incarnate Word of God.
(Reflection taken from Mission Days)