April 16, 2024

Holy Virgins and Martyrs Agapia, Irene and Chionia (284-305).
Acts 8:5-17. John 6:27-33.

Read Acts 8:5-17

Christ is risen! Truly, He is risen!

We encounter Simon the sorcerer, a particularly notorious figure from the book of Acts. In fact, an entire category of sin derives its name from him: simony, which is primarily the selling and purchasing of church offices such as the office of deacon, priest, bishop, or even the position of an abbot or abbess. Likewise, simony is also when spiritual benefits are exchanged for money, such as the promise of salvation for the low cost of weekly payments of $19.99.

Today’s epistle invites us to reflect on our spiritual motivation. While we may not engage in simony as overtly today, its spirit can subtly permeate our actions. The grave sin of simony is different from generosity, which is to share one’s material goods and talents with the poor and the Church. Such actions must be out of love—the truest sense of charity. We cannot buy our way into heaven, nor earn our way into heaven though works alone, nor can we gain spiritual graces with impure motivations. Regardless of how much money we put into the weekly collection basket or by seeking positions of power and influence in our communities.

Brothers and sisters, such motivations are not born out of the spirit of generosity; rather, they are the children of pride and should be dashed against the rock. This is the true understanding of Psalm 136:9 in the Septuagint (137:9 in the Masoretic). Our actions and generosity should rather be motivated by faith and love. As we continue to journey with the apostles, let us reflect today on our motivations: Do I share my talents and treasure out of a true sense of generosity and charity?

Pride is a subtle demon, often appearing as a spirit of light. Do not fall into the same trap as Simon, Ananias, and Sapphira (see Acts 5:1-11). Pride can only be defeated by embracing the humility of Christ on the Cross. Only then can we hope to enter into the Resurrection of Christ, the Resurrection of Life.