July 12, 2018

The Holy Martyrs Proclus and Hilary (98-117); Venerable Father Michael of Maleon (961)

1 Corinthians 10:28-11:7; Matthew 16:24-28

Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory forever!

As children grow up they need time to not only develop physically but in order to grow into adulthood, they need to find themselves. Find out how they fit into the world. Find out what it means to be a human being. And how their identity fits into the whole of humanity. These are extremely important questions not only for young people but for all people. Too often we avoid exploring these fundamental questions.

Jesus, the Son of God, invites us to seek our identity in him. He is no ordinary man. He is a true and perfect human being. The one who never breaks communion, life-giving relationship, with God. The one who is in full control of his human faculties—not being pushed around by fallen human desires and sin. Sin and death no longer have dominion over him. He is filled with perfect love for God and neighbour so much so that he was willing to enter into the suffering of every broken human being so that by his divinity our fallen humanity may be raised up. His victory over sin, death and the devil is climaxed with the cross. The cross is the moment of self-sacrifice for the sake of the other.

Our Lord is inviting each of us to become human by embracing our cross and following him. For the cross is the way we give ourselves for the sake of the other. Self-giving love is what makes us human, gives us meaning and changes the world for the better. This is why Christians do not fear the cross, but embrace it with joy for the cross is the path of love and salvation.