July 19, 2018

Our Venerable Mother Macrina, Sister of Saint Basil the Great (379); Our Venerable Father Dios (c. 431)

1 Corinthians 14:6-19; Matthew 20:17-28

Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory forever!

Various levels of scriptural interpretation (literal, allegorical, moral, anagogical) give us greater depth of meaning of God’s Word. Sometimes no matter on what level we interpret the text we may feel like this text is not speaking to me directly. Todays text could feel distant for those who are not apostles or those in leadership positions the bishops and their coworkers the presbyters (priests). We may think that these words are directed only at them, but in fact the words of Christ are for everyone. Jesus makes a general instruction: ‘It shall not be so among you. But whoever will be great among you shall be your servant.” God calls each of us to greatness. Christ our Lord reminds us that there is nothing greater than service for the glory of God. To put on the glory of Christ is to lovingly serve the other as a slave serves his master. We who believe in the glory and salvation of the cross must apply that glory in our everyday ordinary lives. With my spouse, children, family, co-workers, neighbour and even my enemy. My identity as a Christian is rooted in service, giving, and putting others ahead of myself. He who lowers himself out of love for the other will be exulted and share in the glory of Christ.