July 26, 2018

The Holy Priest-Martyr Hermolaus and those with him (286-305); Holy Venerable-Martyr Parasceve

2 Corinthians 1:1-7; Matthew 21:43-46

Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory forever!

The context for today’s reading is an encounter with the Pharisees. Jesus is sternly warning them that their privilege of being God’s people will be lost if they do not produce spiritual fruit. And He says that “the one who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; and when it falls on anyone, it will crush him.” Who is the stone? The verse just before today’s reading, Matt 21:42, gives us the answer: “The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; this was the Lord’s doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes.” Jesus quotes a verse from Psalm 118 and identifies himself as the corner stone. He is the sure Rock of salvation that is the foundation for all of existence.

The stone in Matt 21:44 is also Jesus. In saying that those who fall on this stone “will be broken to pieces,” Jesus is warning, the Pharisees and all those who come after them, against opposing Him. Disregarding and opposing Jesus is as foolish as beating one’s head against a rock. In saying that those upon whom the stone falls “will be crushed,” Jesus is warning against ignoring Him. Apathy towards Jesus is as foolish as standing in the way of a falling rock. Jesus is calling us to faith, to open our eyes and see that Jesus is indeed the Son of God sent into the world. This verse is also a strict warning against rejecting Jesus Christ. He is the sure Rock of salvation for those who believe, but an immovable stumbling stone for those who do not.